A safe space for mxn

To express through

Physical activity, cold water, & group connection

The Rage Retreat is a weekly exploration, a safe space to our truest expression of rage and desire for a more meaningful life. Amongst other participants you will tap into who you are at your core, how you show up for yourself and for others and how to push the boundaries on what it means to be authentically expressed.




Class Format: Duration is 1 hour with a 30min option to stay, process, connect, and relax afterwards.

8:00AM-8:30AM: outdoor workout

8:35AM-8:40AM: cold plunge/water therapy

8:45AM-9:15AM: group activities, connection and warming up around the fire

9:15AM-9:30AM: optional slow exit, time for processing/journaling/connecting

Your workout will consist of lifting, throwing, carrying, smashing down heavy natural objects such as stones and logs. You will be playing with partnered exercises, body to body, hand to hand, using towels and learning to support one another. The Cold Lake experience is not about the time spent inside the water, it is more so about the connection to your feelings and your ability to release/express. The fire and group huddle is an opportunity to continue your spirit/soul level expression- through sounding, journaling, word sharing and listening/meditation.


Kew Beach (MP83+HX Toronto, Ontario) Leuty Lifeguard Station on the beach!

Saturdays & Sundays 8:00AM


“ Our work is to connect and express rather than shame and suppress.”

- Ben

Recommended Preparation:

Bring a bathing suit (wear underneath your clothes), warm clothing for chilly mornings, water, towel, journal, pen, and a thermos for warm beverages.

Feel free to bring your camera or tripod as we recommend capturing your experience and documenting your practice.

Come with an openness and interest to connect both with yourself and with others.